Image Description
Activities :
You’re going to work individually. You’ll have an funny image showing a technical and/or illustrating a technical idea. You will have to prepare a 2 or 3-minutes talk about this image/object/idea.
Constraints :
-Teachers will assign to you a number. This number correponds to your image that you can find in the compressed folder here: images file.
Help :
-To help you, here is an outline you can follow:
1-describe simply the picture (what we can see on it)
2-say to what idea the image corresponds
3-explain and develop the idea / the subject illustrated
4-give your opinion about it
-You can take notes with you but only notes, you cannot write a full text.
-Mind your pronunciation (and may the gods of English Communication be with you…).
-To translate, you can use
Bonus :
When your presentation is finished, play this vocabulary game : Play Semantris
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