Shipping Container

Activities :

The Conseil Général de Côte d’Or has just launched a construction contest whose aim is to select the most innovating project using used shipping containers destined for the scrapyard.

The Clos-Maire/Copeau high school TSTIDD class is taking  part in the contest and will present its project. Here is the official advertisement published in in the local press :

''Le Conseil Général de Côte d’Or a décidé d’ouvrir un concours destiné à sélectionner le meilleur projet de réutilisation de containers de transport.

Ce concours est ouvert à tous, professionnels ou non.

Le projet pourra concerner 

 -une habitation particulière

 -un établissement commercial (magasin, café, restaurant, banque)

 -une installation municipale (salle de sports, bibliothèque)

 -un bâtiment administratif''

To translate, you can use 

Constraints :

-Candidates will work in pairs.

-The final project must comply with ADEME criteria for thermal insulation, soundproofing and energy savings (RE 2020):

-It must be aesthetically pleasing and well integrated into its surroundings.

-It can't be a copy-paste of an existing project.

Plan :

Each session consists of several tasks. To move forward efficiently, some tasks can be completed individually, so it's necessary to divide up the tasks at the start of the session. If these tasks have not been completed by the end of the session, they will have to be completed for the next session. A mark out of 5 will be awarded at the start of each session to check that the tasks have been completed correctly.

If you're absent from a session, you'll need to make it up to present your expectations at the next session!

Session 1:

Session 2:

Session 3:

Session 4:

Session 5:

Presentation of your project to the class.

Evaluation :

-The final project should show the layout of the elements in the form of a slide show or similar.

-The presentation should be in English and last about 5 min.

-The presentation should include notes but no written text. Only drawings, diagrams or fragmentary information will appear on the slides, but no text.

-Accent and pronunciation will make up a large part of the final mark.

-Remember to include information on the following points: energy balance, location, insulation and layout, container assembly. And don't forget to prepare your vocabulary.

Oral comprehension :

-Watch the following video and write down on a sheet of paper what you understand from it.


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