Artificial Intelligence

Activities - Part 1 :

Using the methodology, you must describe and analyze this image. A few pairs will then be designated to present their work to the class.

Activities - Part 2 :

Copy/Paste the following text adn complete it with the video on the side :

Artificial intelligence or ____ _____ __________ is already with us in ________ ________. It is used by ___________ ___________ or ___________ __________ to deliver financial services and is even being used to __________ ___________, but simply, it is the _________ of machines to __________, __________ and _________ problems just like humans. AI is used in computers, software and __________ ___________ robots. ____ ______ information it has access to, ____ ______ able it is to think ______________ and make decisions. AI is becoming increasingly common in our __________ ______ and the _________________ for its use are widening substantially.


Activities - Part 3 :

Watch the powerpoint presentation and the videos bellow, then complete the grid :

Tilly Lockey - Freedom Is A Pair Of Bionic A2.mp4

Project - Prothesis :

You work for a prosthesis factory and you're in charge to elaborate a series of adaptable tools. These tools will be mounted on the fingers of your prosthesis. You are free to choose which tool you want to install.

Your work consists of :

-Inventor files

-Fingers files

- Drawings of your prothesis

- Technical data : Weight, size, color, kind of battery (if needed)...

- Features

- Instructions for mounting (How to remove and to insert the tool...)

- Instructions for use

- Maintenance (how to clean it...)

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