How can we live eco-responsibly ?
Project 'Eco-Event' :
You are in charge of organizing a one- or two-day event (it can be linked to sport, music, cinema, video games or any other theme). You have to choose the name of your event, a few words to explain it, a date and a place.
-Following the checklist, imagine and write the eco-friendly aspects of your events. Every aspect has to be explained in details.
-Prepare invitations for your event : imagine an eco-friendly way to invite people to your event. Your invitation should include :
the name of your event
the dates
the prices
a logo
the location (it has to be a real location: exact place (in a park, in the fields..) + the city and the country
the type/ theme of event (music festival, sport event, art exhibition…)
eco-friendly actions detailed : a green charter (with a minimum of 6 elements [or more], detailing why your event can be considered as eco-friendly and sustainable). The charter must include new elements you invented.
You should also be ready to orally present your leaflet to your teachers and the class.
Ressources :
Evaluate the work of your felow classmate with this file.
Activities - Part 2 :
How many Watt are wasted in your house by devices in standby mode ?
1. Study the Official European journal extract to know what must be the maximum power used by a device in standby mode.
2. Download the standby calculator and fill in the blanks by following the next steps :
A : Enter the sum of the number of devices which are in standby mode in your house.
B : According to the result of the question 1, find the power spent at home by A.
C : Energy/year = power*number of hour in a year (be careful, we are in KWh and not in Wh).
D : Assuming everybody is approximately like you, calculate the power spent by devices which are in standby mode in your house.
E : The same for the energy calculation.
F : Give the number of nuclear reactors, we need to supply all these standby modes.
G : Or the number of big wind turbines.
H : Search for the price of a KWh in France on the Internet and give the price spent by your family/year.
I : How much do French people pay the standby mode ?
Crédit : ©