
How can we live eco-responsibly ? 

Project sheet :

Fill out the project sheet by hand (computers must remain turned off). You must have your sheet validated by one of your teachers before you can turn on the computers to start the project.         

Project 'Eco-festival' :

You have to create your own festival. You decide to organize an eco-friendly and sustainable event (it can be an event related to music, art or sport).

 Create the leaflet that will promote your event. Your document should include :

You should also be ready to orally present your leaflet to your teachers and the class. 

Ressources :

Activities - Part 2 :

How many Watt are wasted in your house by devices in standby mode ?

1. Study the Official European journal extract to know what must be the maximum power used by a device in standby mode.

2. Download the standby calculator and fill in the blanks by following the next steps :

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